Canine Behavior Dog Behavior Q&A Episode 002
In episode 2, Heesun does a Q&A with her student Ellen, for Pet Behavior professionals and pet parents, who are looking to gain insight on common dog behaviors. Heesun specializes in puppy training and developmental behavior. She shares real stories from her current/previous client dogs, their success and what was more of a challenge with clear communication. With over a decade of field experience and continued education with leaders in the industry Dr. Ian Dunbar and Karen Pryor Instructors, Heesun educates with up to date force free methods and best practices in dog husbandry.
Number one challenge between human and dog bond (1:56)
Puppy socialization (3:45)
Adolescence for teenage dogs (7:44)
Crate training (12:14)
Seperation Anxiety (17:00)
Chew toy training (21:53)
Desensitize the dog to human hands (23:44)
Bucket game (25:35)
Drop game (30:43)
Resource guarding (33:10)
When people are visiting (39:19)
Digging pit (43:47)
Enroll in pet behavior program (45:13)
Heesun Andes is a successful entrepreneur and Founder of Pet Karma Dog Training LLC, Herbalista World LLC, Business Creation Coaching, and The Business Priestess Podcast.
Follow me on Instagram: @petkarmadogtraining
Visit my website:
Free Puppy Socialization & Dog Behavior Workshop:
Executive Producer: Josh Kim, Joboh Productions
IG: @jobohmusic
Website: Jobohmusic
Producer: Chimdum, Chimchilla Beats
IG: @chimchilla92