How I Got Started in Dog Behavior Canine Behavior 001

In episode 1, Heesun dives deep into her story on how it all started with Pet Karma Dog Training LLC, and how she became a professional dog behavior consultant. She takes us back from when she worked as Head Trainer of a Veterinary hospital, to the knowledge she gained while she worked there, and what was the catalyst to start her own business. She talks about her experience with Dr. Dunbar, and how he helped her to see the possibilities of how working with young puppies and educating people early on could prevent many problems in the future, and give a dog the best chance at a happy life.  Heesun works with the pioneers and top tier professionals of the dog behavior industry, and shares her knowledge about current best practices in dog husbandry. She shares the importance of visualization, to hone in on activating your life purpose through your business. She shares attraction marketing ideas on social media, and is an inspiration to all pet professionals in the industry. STAY TUNED!!!

Where it all started 12 years ago (1:56)
Gained experience with puppies (3:39)
Slowly realized this work environment crushed my spirit (4:21)
When the thought appeared to pursue Pet Karma LLC, (5:45)
Pull away from “strategy”, focus on your purpose (7:29)
Visualization  (8:20)
Push through the imposter syndrome (9:26) 
Dr. Dunbar guidance (10:14)
When I launched Pet Karma LLC (11:02) 
Tips on how to visualize (11:56)
Heesun’s brand of talents (13:21)
Talk about your business model (15:15)
Choose the path most aligned to me (18:20)
What to expect in future episodes (19:00)
Marketing on social media (19:28)
Ending with a poem by Robert Frost(22:22)


Heesun Andes is a successful entrepreneur and Founder of Pet Karma Dog Training LLC, Herbalista World LLC,  Business Creation Coaching and The Business Priestess Podcast.

Follow me on Instagram: @petkarmadogtraining

Visit my website:

Free Puppy Socialization & Dog Behavior Workshop:


Executive Producer: Josh Kim, Joboh Productions  

IG: @jobohmusic

Website: Jobohmusic

Producer: Chimdum, Chimchilla Beats

IG: @chimchilla92
