Prosperity Masterclass

How to Make More Money in Your Pet Business

  • If you just started your own pet business and want to make effective impact while making a lot of money .

  • If you have been successful in your pet business, but would like to scale to 15-20K + a month.

  • If you are tired of playing small and are ready to become the prosperous version of yourself.

  • If you want to learn how to make more money in your business while creating more time freedom.

    masterclass: give them a taste of the how, BUT the real how is the 6 week course. Masterclass would touch on 1 how.

Strategies we will go over in detail

  • How to design your business model to create more time freedom and financial prosperity week-to-week.

Once you are registered, you will receive a welcome email with zoom link. If you miss the live event, you will have access to the replay.

Sign Up Below


What you will learn

How to (re)Discover what you are naturally attuned to in the Pet Industry, and how you can create more prosperity with it.


What you will learn

How to design or re-design a business model which creates more time freedom and prosperity in your life.


What you will learn

How to elevate your sales process and convert your followers into paid clients.


Check Out Our Offerings!

We made some upgrades to our Pet Karma Website and added some new classes and courses for you and your pup!